Premium plumbing and leak detection
Power flushing heating systems
What happens during a power flush and how long does it take?
A powerful machine called a 'pumping station' is used to remove dirty water and sludgy build-up while introducing clean water. The engineer may add a chemical to the system to break down sludge before the equipment is connected and the flushing process begins.
The power flushing process has several stages and your engineer will probably take between several hours to the whole day to complete the power flush.
Step one – following the equipment set-up, the engineer should spend around 90 minutes flushing the whole system (in both directions) and then they will tackle troublesome sections until they run clean. Your engineer will work on heavily contaminated radiators separately. They may use an ‘agitator’ (a tough pad attached to a hammer action drill) to help release internal build ups of sludge.
Step two - after clearing out the system, the engineer will add a chemical neutraliser and wash it through the system. Then your engineer should check the PH balance to ensure the system is not too acidic, as excess acid can lead to internal corrosion.
Step three – your engineer will add a dose of ‘inhibitor’ fluid to the system. This prevents corrosion and goes some way in preventing sludge building-up again in the central heating system. Depending on the size and initial condition of the system, the complete process may well take all day.
How you know you need a power flush
cold radiators with only a hot strip at the top
black sludgy water in the heating system (shown by radiator removal or a failed heating pump or valve replacement)
poor circulation to a system that used to work better
a magnet attaching to copper pipe-work (signs of iron sludge within)
an overflowing attic header tank (although this could also be caused by a pump being set at the wrong speed).
For free quote call Shane on 07842002962